Ztech: PC Purists in a Crowded Digital World
It’s all too common. You pick up that $499 name brand PC at the newest superstore, take it home, and immediately you’ve got a little problem called “junkware”. This junkware, as I like to call it, is software that comes preinstalled on your pretty new PC. It starts running the moment Windows first boots up, and continues to run as an invisible background process, sucking up your memory resources and making your computer run about half as fast as it should. You know all those program shortcuts all over your desktop that you never touch? They most likely point to junkware.
I wasn’t kidding when I said your computer will be running half as fast as it should. It’s unbelievable how much these programs can overwhelm your PC. But this is only the beginning. This is before you connect to the internet and become exposed to massive amounts of spyware. |
Spyware is software that can be installed on your PC without your knowledge, with the purpose of transmitting your personal information to advertising companies. These companies use this data to more effectively annoy you with those popup ads that make you want to throw your computer out the window. And if you thought all that junkware was making your computer slow, you’ll be amazed at the kind of damage spyware can inflict. An off-the-shelf, name brand PC usually will not come equipped with effective tools to monitor and remove spyware. In fact, it is entirely possible and very likely that some of those junkware programs I was talking about contain spyware elements as well.
Alright, so what can you do about it? As Senior Technical Manager at Ztech Computers, I am here to offer you a better way to compute. There is a way to enjoy your computer and the internet without these frustrations and annoyances. The answer is Ztech’s Pure PC. Our computers are hand-made by yours truly in our New Windsor, NY facility. I don’t waste my time loading them with junkware or spyware or anything that will come between you and what you want to do with your machine. Ztech’s Pure PCs don’t only come preloaded with a full retail copy of Norton Antivirus 2004, the most popular antivirus solution on the market, but starting in January 2004, Ztech will be giving you the option to have Lavasoft’s powerful Ad Aware Professional preinstalled on your machine. Ad Aware Plus offers real-time system protection, granting your Ztech PC immunity to spyware as well as viruses.
This combined protection, plus the fact that we build our computers using only top quality, name brand components from respected manufacturers, is what sets Ztech PCs well above most other computers on the market. Combine that with friendly technical support from truly knowledgeable technicians, and the personal relationship that we can give you, and I think we’ve got a winning combination.
Senior Technical Manager
Ztech Computer Services
ian@ztechpc.net |